Gayla K Malcolm

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Huna Healing!

In the spiritual community, there’s lots of discussions surrounding Reiki, Native American Shamanism, Past Life Healing, and other amazing forms of energy work. Today however, I’d like to shine some light on a beautiful practice called Huna.

Huna is a form of Hawaiian Shamanism that focuses on love, healing, forgiveness, and accountability. With Huna Healing, the goal is to identify past traumas, triggers, and blockages that are subconsciously hindering our ability to move forward and succeed. The root of the problem typically comes in the form of something a loved one once said, something we witnessed happen to someone else, generally negative experiences, or anything that has stuck with us and consequently limited us greatly. These things are often subtle and go unnoticed, which allows them to fester even more. As a result, our relationships, friendships, work, spiritual practices, and more will begin to suffer. Our goals appear to be farther and farther from our reach, and our motivation or passion may dwindle. These energetic blocks do hold power, especially when we don’t take the time to recognize and release them. This is why Huna can be incredibly beneficial. It shows us where these limitations stem from, and gives us the means to clear them and heal. 

It’s important to remember that blame has no place when it comes to Huna; it is not meant to be placed on yourself or others. All that blaming does is force us to abandon responsibility, which contradicts the healing process. It is our duty to take responsibility, not for what others may have done to us, but for forgiving them, and healing ourselves. Huna highly implores us to be independent in our healing process, to take matters into our own hands, and give ourselves permission to heal and let go. During a Huna session, it isn’t only the practitioner doing the work; your higher self is called upon in order to remove these blockages alongside the Huna practitioner. This is one of the reasons it carries such powerful healing. 

Additionally, Forgiveness is crucial in Huna, because if we continue to hold onto resentment towards ourselves or others, our healing process can never truly take place in full. Anger towards a situation that caused a blockage won’t fix the problem, and will only preserve the wounds that it created. Huna helps us truly let go of blame and bitterness, which is what makes this energy so beautiful and transformative. 

Huna helps us feel more in control of ourselves and our energy, it allows us to relinquish fears or anxieties that are restricting us. Our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual sides will flow together in harmony, and we won’t carry all that unnecessary baggage we once did. If you find yourself feeling weighed down, stagnant, or even resentful, I highly encourage you to seek out a Huna session. I have seen it change peoples perspective and outlook on life, and help them move towards their dreams and aspirations like they never have before. This energy has done the same for me as well, which is why I place such an important value on it. 

This month, I have decided to run a special on my Huna session available through my newsletter. If you sign up with your email, you can receive $10 off a 30 min Huna session for this month only! 

Let’s learn to heal ourselves, and in turn, heal others!

