Gayla K Malcolm

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What is an Energy Coach?

About Energy Life Coaching

Why Should You See A Energy Life Coach?

Transformation Happens

When Your Energy Shifts!

The assumption used to be that happiness came from our external life. This has changed as more and more people are understanding inner growth. It has become clear that joy, peace and purpose are emotional reflections  of our inner state.  Many people have hurt their health, their relationships, and their spirit with overwork and lack of balance. It’s easy to think “if I can get more I will fill this empty hole inside.”

Now things are different. It’s clear that material success is nice, but it isn’t everything. People want balance and meaning in their life. They want spiritual growth. The wellness industry has become one of the largest industries in the world. Many people’s idea of productivity now includes things like being ethical, being aware, and being awake to the world. Corporations everywhere are offering Mindfulness and Yoga classes. People realize that life isn’t just about what you can have, it’s about how we experience the moment, ourselves and other people.

This means that when people want to create more meaningful lives, they want their journey to be a soul evolution. As we slow down we realize that inner transformation happens at the spirit level, not only the physical or mental level.

When we look back on life, we want to see growth, depth, and a feeling that our life choices mattered. When real spiritual evolution happens, it feels like a natural sequence. It feels like the word YES is reverberating throughout our body.

Energy happens at different levels of our being. There is the energy that gets us to walk, talk and take care of our physical needs. And then there is our more subtle level of energy, from which our sense of self-worth, inner power, radiance, and love flows. At every level, energy is at work in all of us. Here are a few examples:
At the more ordinary level, we prepare ourselves for our life tasks and roles by using our energy. Right before a race, a runner not only stretches, but they find the energy they need to run, compete, and enter their athletic zone. They do this on an energetic level as well as through mindset and emotions.

When you’re about to spend time with someone you love, you prepare yourself energetically for that connection. You may become more open to receive and to give. 

When you go to a rock concert, or when you hear a church choir singing in unison, the frequencies that you experience create a frequency within you. Energy becomes emotions and emotions create well being.

This is the experience of energy.

Of course, some situations bring the opposite. When someone treats you badly, for instance, it can feel like you’ve been hit by a truck. The impact of their words has diminished your energy.

All of us are experiencing our Energy Systems all of the time.

Not everyone knows that they can work with their Energy System to empower, restore, and create deep connections at the heart level.

Your Energy System is an invisible matrix from which your emotions, your healthy power, and your actions emerge.

In modern culture, we’re often taught to ignore the energetic level of being. We are told that energy doesn’t matter, or doesn’t exist. We’re supposed to “think” our way into a new experience.

However, when you become aware of and connected to your spiritual energy, the life flow inside each of us, this energy can become our greatest resource, our source of healthy love, power, and intuition.

Consider this: so many people know exactly what they need to do in their life. They have clear intentions. They have the capacity and knowledge. They have values and guiding principles.

And yet something is blocking them. And, try as they might, they can’t make the progress 

In coaching it’s often taught that lasting change comes from having a new thought, or making a new decision. I would say that’s not the whole story.

Below that new thought or decision, there is an energetic shift that goes deeper. When a person’s energy aligns with their truth, it makes action-taking easy.

One day, something seems impossible. The next day, it feels like it’s already happening.

That’s what it feels like when you have an energy shift. Not only do your thoughts change, but your enthusiasm and motivation come on board with your empowered energy. 

In Energy life Coaching, we hear and appreciate that small voice. The client learns to empower the most universal, loving and healing aspect of their being. Energy Life Coaching strategies and exercises work to create that inner wisdom and growth.

Sometimes there’s an energy challenge in a relationship. Perhaps the relationship is not very healthy. Sometimes there is bullying and narcissistic manipulation, for instance.

In Energy Life Coaching a client can discover how to work skillfully with the effects of these relationships within their own system. Sometimes the client has internalized that bully. In this case, the work focuses on their own healing and strengthening.

Energy is there to offer support and transformation. As an Energy Life Coach, I assist the client in realizing their healthy boundaries and adding the energy resources they need to honor their truth and well-being. With this new experience of self comes a lot of creativity and enthusiasm for life.

Energy Life Coaching goes to the deepest level of a person’s wishes while healing their obstacles and resistance.  Helping them connect to a subtle system within their body, spiritual being, and their essential nature that can truly empower and heal them.

Energy Life Coaching Modalities

·        You’ll go through guided meditations, energy exercises and strategies.

·      In-person sessions the coach and client practice together.

·       Clients learn what they want to heal and how to do it themselves.

·       Healthy boundaries become easier to empower and reinforce.

·       Clients awaken their ability to sense their own energetic frequency and invite that frequency to become more clear, loving and full of light. 

·       The strategies help clients to experience greater creativity and spiritual expansion.

·       Healing metaphors and Archetypes assist the client in their energy evolution.

·       Through finding practices and new habits clients empower the wisdom of their higher self and find energetic balance.

·       Intuition and creativity is increased. Then decisions, projects and relationships flow more easily.

·       The emotions of compassion, joy, love, clarity, generosity, kindness, peace and equanimity become easy to feel and express.

When someone is feeling blocked, stuck, used, conflicted, burned out, or exhausted, they experience this energetically as well as mentally and physically.

On a practical level, not having enough energetic strength and flow can stop us from doing what we need to do to take care of ourselves. When we push ourselves for results, day in and day out, our system gives us signs that it needs to recharge.

Energy Life Coaching helps people to heal the obstacles and resistance that are preventing their concentration, joy, and zest for life. Helping you become your own healer.  Using the session strategies to reconnect with your true self and energy. 

Energy is right here for all of us, all of the time. It’s a resource in your physical body. It’s experienced in your emotions. When we become aware of the energy within ourselves, we’re going to our deepest level of being. We are awakening our own inner guidance.
This means we have more intuition and clarity. We’re more aware of what we’re feeling, what we’re saying, what we’re doing. So we’re able to create a lasting transformation. 

Energy Life Coaching Is Helpful When...

* You have an ambitious, meaningful goal, but when you approach it, something happens that feels like you are not on your own side. You self-sabotage your own healthy ambition.

* You overwork and get irritated at others. You may feel burned out. You’d like to find some balance and stability within yourself. 

* The things that used to give you joy and inspiration don’t seem to work anymore. You want to discover your spark again. 

* You feel oversensitive. When you are with others, it can feel as though you feel what they feel. You want to stay sensitive but also have good boundaries. 

* You’d like to connect at a deep level in a relationship, but you feel a hesitancy which stops you. You want to understand emotions and share feelings in relationships.

* There are healthy habits you want to have in your life, but you lack the consistency to take action.

* What others see in you is not what you feel about yourself. This sense of not being aligned can sometimes feel like low self-esteem or a values conflict. 

* You’ve been in relationships where you suspect the other person had narcissistic tendencies. And you do not want to repeat these patterns again. 

These are just some of the situations where an Energy Life Coach can help.

An Energy Life Coach shows their clients how to recharge and recalibrate themselves by connecting to their own energy. The client’s real teacher is their own energy. The coach shares the method through strategies and exercises that bring out the client’s own healthy spiritual energy and wisdom. This can feel like intuition showing up fully, or like a good friend always at your side letting you know, “you got this.” This kind of coaching is empowering and easy to do. The client is setting the pace and finding their own healthy energy. 

The client learns how to expand, ground, explore, heal, and integrate their energy.

Because of its focus on self-healing, Energy Life Coaching is considered to be a part of the Complementary and Alternative Healing Industry, which includes practices such as Meditation, Shamanic practices, NLP and Energetic Healing practices. 

 Energy Life Coaching Values are built around Emotional and Spiritual Balance within all parts of life. We empower personal agency and resilience in every person.  We offer transformational Learning that creates inner guidance. We enjoy Community Growth and support so that we learn in a warm and encouraging circle of friendship.