Gayla is an Energy Life Coach.

She is a Master in Neural Linguistic Programing, Emotional Release, in Hypnosis, and Past Life Time Line Therapy.

She has received the following certifications: Usui Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher, Seraphim Blueprint Teacher Levels 1-6, Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Master/Teacher.

Gayla K Malcolm is an uplifting teacher led by spirit to support her clients to find self-love and happiness. Versatile in many different modalities, she is trained in Angelic Reiki, Shamanic-Reiki, and Huna, and works with them to maintain inner peace, balance, and serenity for both herself and her clients. She incorporates many different tools in her work such as Crystals, Tuning Forks, Drums, and Vibrational Instruments.

For years she spent time growing as a Reiki practitioner, specifically training to become a Reiki Master Teacher. It was an incredibly transformational experience which has taught her emotional freedom. It offered a way to release the energy of painful thoughts and emotional/mental imbalances. She now uses these techniques in her healing sessions to uplift her clients spirits and facilitate better health. She has studied Shamanic and Huna classes in which she learned how to bring forth the elements of the Earth, providing gratitude and appreciation for all things. She is thorough when it comes to educating others on how to protect, balance, and heal themselves.

Additionally, Gayla is a psychic, and works with various forms of divination. This includes tarot, oracle, runes, palm reading, tea leaf reading, and much more. She incorporates her vast knowledge of symbolism and iconography with her intuitive abilities to deliver clear and concise messages and provide guidance and clarity regarding her clients path.

Gayla also teaches Reiki, Karuna, Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki, Seraphim Blue Print 1-6 Levels, Psychic Development, Psychic Arts, Meditations, Art and Crafts Classes.

In addition to solo work, Gayla is affiliated with metaphysical store and healing center . . She works alongside practitioners and friends to create a warm healing environment where everyone feels safe, comfortable, and at home. She offers a multitude of classes as well as in-person services.

Goals & Healing Methods


Breakthrough Energy Life Coaching

Shatter self sabotaging habits and negative self talk. Release limited believes and recreate new ways of achieving your goals.

Energy Healing

Determine where you have stagnant energy blocking you in your Body, Mind, Emotions or Spirituality. Raise up your vibrations to build back better health.

Self Love

Build confidence, self value and self esteem. Become proud of yourself.



Work on forgiving yourself for past choices and learn to forgive others. Learn create better lasting relationships that you can trust.

Past Life Time Line Therapy

Explore your unconscious mind by traveling back to a memory where a limiting belief originated. It could be a traumatic moment or just something you accepted as truth in the moment. For example, someone could have told you ‘that isn’t for you, That’s for people who are rich.’ and you bought into their words. Hence, you kept that belief and never tried to achieve the goal because you were thinking you had to be rich to do so. With the help of Past Life Therapy, you can change that belief in this moment and create a new mindset that allows you to pursue your dreams.

Meditative Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a journey into the subconscious mind designed to help you with breaking bad habits, overcoming self sabotaging patterns, problem solving, weight reduction, pain control, releasing negative emotions, building self confidence, facing fears and many more issues you may be needing help with. It’s a completely safe method of healing. You will hear everything and you’ll never lose control or be made to do anything you’re not ready and willing to do. All Hypnosis is self Hypnosis; I’ll just be your guide.