
  • past life healing timeline

    Past Life/Timeline Healing

    Past life can work to heal both genetic/generational energy or things that occurred in a previous lifetime.

    Time line therapy is a form of age regression. You can heal past and future generations to come.

    In this session you can learn why you have certain fears, anxieties and phobias that are preventing you from embracing who you were always meant to be. You can release old contracts or beliefs that keep you stuck in limiting patterns or self sabotaging ways.

  • hypnosis energy healing break bad habits

    Hypnosis Session

    Hypnosis is a technique used by therapists and spiritual practitioners. It puts the individual in a trance-like meditative state, and can aid in reducing pain of both mind and body, and works to eliminate habits or traits negatively affecting our day-to-day lives.

    This 60 minutes hypnosis session targets a specific aspect of your life that is hindering you, and works to change the behavior or habit to improve your life overall.

    This service is excellent for those who have big dreams, goals, and aspirations, but feel stuck or unable to achieve them. Often times, there is an underlying issue or trigger we aren’t aware of, that is affecting our ability to evolve. This maybe be an incident from childhood, an issue from a past relationship, or bad experience with a previous job. Like a cavity, we may not even realize what this issue is, or where it stems from, but it continues to grow bigger and bigger until it takes over! This is why hypnosis is such an effective method for anyone facing these challenges and roadblocks. Gayla guides you into a hypnotic state safely and gently, and facilitates a warm environment to bring about beautiful expansion and development in all aspects of life.

  • palm reading palmistry

    Palm Readings

    Palmistry is a form of divination found in many countries across the world, including Nepal, Tibet, Greece, India, and more. In this reading, Gayla will look at the major lines of your palms, and give you a personalized reading based on the orientation of the lines. This can give you an overall insight on the key events you may experience throughout your life.

  • tarot card reading oracle cards

    Tarot Card Readings

    Tarot, which originated as a card game, is perhaps the most popular form of divination in the modern day. With a standard of 78 cards, the tarot is divided into the Major and Minor Arcanas. Each card has a unique meaning filled with correspondences. During a tarot reading, multiple card are drawn and put together like a story to give insight on past, present, and future matters. Love, finances, friendships, spirituality, and family affairs are some of the many topics that can be read in a reading. Gayla also incorporates oracle cards, (a less structured version of tarot), to give a balanced reading filled with guidance, information, and positive affirmations.

  • runes reading elder futhark norse

    Runes Readings

    Rune casting is an ancient practice dating back to approximately 1st century AD (however, the exact date of discovery/use is not known). The tradition of rune casting is originally a Norse Germanic one, but in modern day, it is used by people of many cultures and backgrounds.

    The runes themselves were discovered by the Norse God Odin, who sacrificed his eye in order to see that which was hidden.

    They are composed of 24 symbols divided in to 3 different sets, each of them having different meanings and energies.

    In this service, runes are used as a divinatory tool to analyze past, present, and future energy surrounding the individual. Gayla uses the Wheel of the Year to cast the runes, which acts as a layout of energies and experiences you may encounter during the next 12 months(similar to a tarot spread). Note that this casting, like any reading, is not set in stone; it simply serves as insight as to what will happen if you continue the current path you are on right now. Meaning, if you’re happy with what you see, keep on doing what you’re doing, and if you want things to be a little different, there is also room to course-correct to maximize positive change and growth!

  • dream analysis meaning

    Dream Analysis Session

    Ever been curious about what your dreams mean? Luckily, dream analysis is common practice, and has been throughout centuries. People have considered dreams as signs, omens, and prophecies for numerous years. Analyzing dreams can be a phenomenal way to gain clarity, understand your subconscious mind, and tune into any messages your guides, spirit, or the divine may have for you. While this can be a tricky and confusing process, Gayla provides excellent guidance and intuition, and can help to decipher even your strangest dreams!

  • karuna reiki healing

    Karuna Reiki Session

    Karuna Reiki is a variation of Usui Reiki that was developed in 1995 by William Lee Rand, a prominent practitioner of Reiki over the past several decades. It uses a vocal chanting and toning of 8 symbols that call in compassionate, grounding energies. The word Karuna comes from the Sanskrit word for ‘compassion’, making it a forefront of this type of energy work. Karuna Reiki calls on energies of divine love, and can include work with archangels and ascended masters.

  • holy fire reiki healing

    Holy Fire Reiki Session

    Reiki is a Japanese healing technique popularized, refined, and taught by Master Mikao Usui. The word reiki translates to ‘universal life force energy’. It works to heal the body, mind, and spirit, remove blockages, and balance the Chakras. Reiki has no dogma, but some principles of it are to spread harmony, peace, and love as you practice. Holy Fire Reiki is a newer form of energy introduced to the practice that focuses heavily on cleansing and purification. It is extremely loving and high vibrational, and can be used to eliminate stress, tension, and negative energy from the body and aura.

  • building confidence transformation life coaching

    Building Confidence Session

    Often times, we find ourselves struggling with issues of self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. We tend to put up barriers in our mind and create false perceptions of ourselves that ultimately eat away at our confidence and restrict us from our full potential. This is why facing these problems and tackling them head-on is imperative. During this 60 min session, Gayla uses life coaching techniques and positive reinforcement to identify the root of the problem, knock down any negative thoughts towards the self, and rebuild one’s mindset to be confident, grounded, and self-assured. Get ready to be the best you that you can be!

  • access bars energy healing facelift

    Access Bars Energetic Facelift

    The Access Energetic Facelift is an entirely non-invasive procedure to renew and rejuvenate you both physically and spiritually. During this service, you will receive gentle touch and energy work that is designed to inspire regrowth. Both the clearing of old energies, grudges, and resistance and the regeneration of cells occurs during this session, leaving you feeling refreshed and brand new!

  • building dreams life coaching

    Building Dreams Session

    Often times, we have an idea or dream that both excites and overwhelms us. Looking only at the desired result can be daunting, and can leave us not knowing where to start. This 3 hour Building Dreams session is highly specific, and is great for helping you begin working towards one goal or dream you may have. Gayla breaks down this dream into small, digestible steps that you can work towards one by one. She guides you through the process of seeing, feeling, conceptualizing, and manifesting your dream! If you have an idea, can’t seem to put it into motion, Gayla is a wonderful guide for this process!

  • huna hawaiian energy healing

    Huna Hawaiian Energy Healing Session

    Huna is the Hawaiian word for ‘secret’, and Huna healing is an ancient technique traditionally used to connect to ones deepest and highest wisdom. Using Ho’oponopono [The Art of forgiving] for self and others, Release work on trapped energies. Working with Huna helps those who are seeking to find answers and connection to their Higher Self a deeper spiritual knowledge. From a psychological perspective, this is done by getting in touch with the unconscious mind. The seven basic principles of Huna, according to Learn Religions, are as followed:

    IKE - The world is what you think it is.

    KALA - There are no limits, everything is possible.

    MAKIA - Energy flows where attention goes.

    MANAWA - Now is the moment of power.

    ALOHA - To love is to be happy with.

    MANA - All power comes from within.

    PONO - Effectiveness is the measure of truth.

    In this session, Gayla operates with these beautiful principles in mind, working with these influential energies to deliver a wonderful healing experience, and providing you a deeper connection with yourself and your spiritual abilities.

  • self love life coaching energy healing

    Self Love Session

    We all struggle with self-love and self-care at times. Every now and then, we need a guide to help us relieve the pressure we put on ourselves and aid us in taking actionable steps to loving and cherishing ourselves more. Gayla’s 60 Min Self-Love session is perfect for those who are having difficulty when it comes to putting themselves first, and giving themselves the adequate care needed to thrive. This session aims to target specific thought patterns, negative self-talk, and draining aspects of ones’ life, and then works to empower the individual and improve feelings of self-worth!

  • sound bath healing vibration singing bowls

    Sound & Vibration Energy Healing Session

    Never underestimate the healing powers of sound and vibrational frequencies. For centuries, spiritual practitioners from all over the world have used sound as a method of healing, focus, meditation, and even offering. Gayla works with various tools such as Tibetan singing bowls, bells, chimes, and more to cleanse energy, break up old tension, soothe the body and mind, and provide an opportunity from relaxation and release.

  • egyptian energy work reiki healing

    Sekhmet-Seichim-Reiki Energy Healing Session

    We may be used to the traditional energy of Reiki, but it is not limited to only the basics! Gayla puts her own spin on the usual healing service by working with Egyptian spirits and deities to provide a unique Reiki experience. This session specifically draws on the energy of Sekhmet, Egyptian Sun Goddess, who is both a warrior and healer. She is often depicted with the head of a Lion, representing strength and confidence. Because of this, the energy healing one may experience during this service may improve self-esteem, heal ailments of the physical and energetic body, and aid in building confidence when facing adversity or challenges.

  • seraphim bluepring energy healing reiki

    Seraphim Blueprint Angelic Energy Session

    Seraphim Blueprint healing is a form of energy work with slight similarities to Reiki. While the ideas and energies surrounding the Seraphim have been around for centuries, Ruth Rendely is the one who created this system in modern times. The Seraphim Blueprint is a collection of 11 high vibrational and cosmic energies. Each of these energies have their own purpose to enhance ones’ life force through the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual self. Throughout this session, Gayla channels these energies to identify what needs improvement, and then clear and heal that specific area.

  • shamanic reiki energy healing

    Shamanic Reiki Session

    Shamanic Reiki is a powerful and intense variation of typical Reiki healing. Different types of Shamanism come from all over the world. Celtic, Norse, Aztec, and Native American cultures all have some type of Shamanic healing. Gayla works with a blend of these Shamanic energies to make space for drastic transformation and release. Old traumas and roots tying us down are removed and relinquished in order to give clarity and a sense of renewal.

  • angelic reiki healing therapy

    Multi Energy Angelic Reiki Session

    Multi-Energy Angelic Reiki combines the best of all worlds! Gayla, who works with multiple forms of Reiki Energy, merges them together in this session. She first accesses what needs healing, and then calls upon whatever energies she feels may help get the job done. This can include Karuna, Holy Fire, Sekhmet-Seichim, and much more! This is a wonderful option for those who desire an all-encompassing healing experience!

  • breakthough life coaching discovery transformation

    6 Hour Breakthrough Session

    The 6 Hour Breakthrough session is wonderful for addressing and targeting limiting beliefs, bad habits, struggles in relationships, the workplace, with communication, self-esteem etc… During the 6 hours, Gayla works with you to identify the core problems and their roots, helping you understand the cause and effect of them. Next, she helps you release these old habits and restrictions so you can make room for abundance and growth! Now that you have a clean slate, the latter part of the session begins the dreaming, planning, and creating stage. The goal is to focus your renewed energy on your goals, and plan to take steps towards creating this beautiful desired reality! If you feel stuck in life, and just need some guidance and direction on your path, a breakthrough session is an amazing choice! This session can be done all in one day, or over the course of 2 or 3 days, whichever you may prefer.

  • chakra balancing reiki

    Reiki W/Chakra Balance

    Reiki is a Japanese healing art used to provide gentle healing energy throughout the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Paired with a Chakra Balance, which clears blockages in the 7 main energy centers of the body, it’s perfect for helping you release the old and bring in the new!

  • chakra balance healing energy

    Chakra Balance Session

    The Chakras are the 7 main energy centers within the body, and each of them carry different vibrations. The Root, for example, correlates to security, finances, stability, and grounding, while the Crown, is our intuition and connection to spirit. Each of these work together in harmony, however, depending on how we are feeling, they can become out of balance. Gayla works with the energy of the Chakras to discover which ones need to be re-balanced, so you can regain your energetic equilibrium once!

  • tea leaf reading tasseomancy tasseography

    Tea Leaf Readings

    Tea Leaf Reading, also known as tasseography or tasseomancy, is the art of using tea for divination to gain insight into the future! First, a cup of loose leaf tea is drunk and swirled around, and then the pattern of the tea leaves is analyzed in order to see what messages are coming through. A tea leaf reading is used to see what energies are currently present, and what may arise within the next several months. This reading focuses heavily on traditional symbolism, as well as intuitive messages. As with any reading, tasseography just provides a general guide to what might happen if your current path stays the same; what appears isn’t set in stone, so if you’d like for things to go a little differently, you always have the power to change it!

  • access bars healing energy therapy

    Access Bars Healing Session

    Access Bars Therapy is a fascinating healing art that works with 32 points on the head. Much like meridian or chakras, these points can become clouded by excess or negative energy. With light touch and the reciting of high-vibrational words, Gayla works to clear these points and fill them with positive, nurturing energy. Access Bars sessions leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and relaxed.

  • breakthrough life coaching manifesting goals

    60 Min Breakthrough Session

    Do you have a specific goal or desire that you’re working towards but just can’t seem to attain? A 60 Min Breakthrough session targets exactly that! During this session, I work with various techniques from life coaching to NLP to help you identify limiting beliefs, negative mindsets, and communication patterns that may be creating blockages stopping you from achieving your goal! We’ll identify, explore, and release so you can begin manifesting your desires into reality!

Reiki Class Healing

Classes and Events

Both one-on-one and group classes are available. Head to the events page to find out more!