Mindset Matters!

Let’s talk about mindset! Often times, we find ourselves getting caught up in the negative self-talk we constantly feed ourselves. This breeds insecurity, fear, doubt, and it ultimately holds us back from following our passions and doing things we love. The state of our mind can bleed into every aspect of our life, creating blockages or obstacles in the physical realm.

If we are constantly telling ourselves that we’re not good enough, that we’re failing, that we’re ugly, and so on, these thoughts can quickly become an extremely limiting belief. We then get so accustomed to this that it becomes subconscious, acting like a reflex. Anytime we begin to enter a situation that may trigger some of these negative feelings, we instantly jump back and put up more walls.

For example, you may one day try on a tight-fitting garment and absolutely hate how it looks. Thoughts like ‘you look so ugly in this’ or ‘this makes you look fat’ race through your head, and without knowing it, you’ve just put up a barrier in your mind. Now, anytime you go to the store or even your own closet, you’ll probably automatically avoid any clothes that even look like they may be tight-fitting. This is a prime example of how mindset affects daily actions, and patterns like this can come in so many different forms.

If we keep on avoiding things that make us uncomfortable, we think we’re being safe when we’re really just putting ourselves in a bubble that only binds and restricts us. When we keep feeding into a negative mindset, we’ll never truly grow. 

Now, please keep in mind, this habit isn’t something to be ashamed of, majority of us can relate to this pattern or thought-process in some way or another. Statistically, 20-30% percent of adults have experienced some form of anxiety disorder throughout their life, and 85% of people battle with low self-esteem! Those are some crazy numbers, which is why it’s important to recognize these thoughts within ourselves, and dedicate our energy to shifting this perception.

After all that, you’re probably wondering how you can take steps to fix this. There are so many ways to improve and strengthen your mindset, including meditation, affirmations/mantras, and hypnosis! While it may seem scary, hypnosis is actually a wonderful tool used to target these limiting beliefs and negative patterns within the mind, and reshape them to best empower us on our journey. Gayla, a certified hypnotist, offers these sessions to help you on your path. This month, we’ve got a special promotion going on regarding it. If you sign up for our newsletter, you can receive a $15 discount on a 60 Min Hypnosis Session! Enter your name and email on the homepage and discover the link to schedule!

All in all, our mind is incredibly powerful - it can be our biggest supporter or worst enemy. This is why using our mindset as an asset is so imperative. We have the ability to shift our perceptions to make significant change in our lives if we take control of our mind!


Huna Healing!
