All About Access Bars

A unique form of energy work I’ve been exploring more recently is Access Bars Therapy. As powerful as this art is, it unfortunately doesn’t get nearly the recognition it deserves. Access Bars healing comes in many different shapes and sizes, and while it’s similar to Reiki, it has qualities unlike any type of energy work I’ve experienced! 

To start from the beginning, Access Bars essentially work with 32 different meridian-like points on the head to facilitate healing and release. Think of it being like energetic acupuncture. Each of these points play different roles in our life, such as finance, communication, creativity, etc… As we know, over time, we accumulate energy from the past, other people, and traumatic experiences, which then influence additional aspects of our lives without us even realizing! Sometimes they can have positive affects, and other times they create blockages. That’s where Access Bars healing can be beneficial. Throughout the session, the practitioner uses light touch, affirmations, and potent words to clear these points in our body. 

The goal of Access Bars Therapy is to help let go of fears, anxieties, doubts, and limiting beliefs we may carry with us. Perhaps these fears are ones we have created for ourselves, or ones others have instilled within us. If they stem from inside our mind, we must work to find that root, clear it, and nurture that space. If they come from others, it’s our responsibility to acknowledge that this is not our burden to carry, and allow it to return to its home. Access Bars Therapy is a wonderfully individual and independent form of healing, as our higher self is actually the one guiding and clearing the energy, and helping us let go. This is what makes it so empowering. 

During an Access Bars session, you may experience a deep relaxing state, as well as energetic sensations of release and relief. Unnecessary baggage we’re holding onto is targeted and cleared. Then positive energy is directed to reinforce and strengthen that area. 

Another variation of Access Bars Therapy I’d like to share with you is the Access Energetic Facelift. Working with the same points in the head and body, light touch is applied by the practitioner in order to refresh and rejuvenate the client both mentally and physically! Much like a traditional facelift, one may look and feel more youthful and restored without an invasive procedure. The energy that the Access Bars work with is truly remarkable in this sense, and the improvements clients may see never cease to amaze me! 

Although Access Bars Therapy is kind and gentle, don’t underestimate it’s ability! Countless people have reported reduced stress, anxiety, guilt, fear, sadness and overwhelm.

While it isn’t quite as common as other types of energy work, I truly have a deep admiration for this art, and highly encourage you to experience it yourself! The distinctive approach is what makes it so incredibly special and transformative, and I look forward to diving even deeper into the practice.

Thank you for being here, and taking steps towards your healing!

With love, 



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Huna Healing!