Gayla K Malcolm

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What is Reiki & Can Energy Healing Help You? What Happens During a Reiki Session?


Reiki is a holistic energy treatment modality that is becoming more and more popular in and out of the medical field.  It can help promote faster healing by relaxing you from the stress of every day life and allow you to rest and recover.

The term “Reiki” is a Japanese word that means “universal life energy”. This healing method was discovered and cultivated in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui, after experiencing a profound spiritual experience. 

The most common system is the Usui System of Natural Healing. Reiki students are trained by a Reiki master through a series of educational sessions and an attunement.  I personal use Holy Fire Usui Reiki.

Essentially, an attunement occurs when the Reiki master opens the practitioner’s energetic pathways so that healing energy can freely flow through them toward those they treat with Reiki. It’s a spiritual experience that’s usually quite profound for the Reiki students.


Energy As a Healing Agent

Reiki is an alternative treatment that uses universal energy as a healing agent.  This energy has been known to bring relaxation and healing to the mind, body, and spirit.  Reiki is not a religion. Rather, it is a technique where Reiki practitioners are used as healing vessels that allow energy flow to reduce stress and restore balance to the body.

The healing energy of Reiki is transferred through a Reiki practitioner to a person. It is believed the healing energy or vibrations go through the hands of the practitioner into the energetic body of the healing recipient.


Everything is Energy

At the core of existence, everything is energy. As humans, we are made of matter, but if you study matter at its smallest makeup, you’ll find energy particles and waves. 

You’ll find an energetic system that has been created by a Divine Intelligence. When aligned with the source of all creation, the physical body operates in harmony. However, at times we can experience “energy blocks”, that can create a state of dis-ease.

Receiving Reiki treatments can help remove such energetic blocks and restore harmony to the systems of the body. A Reiki practitioner will typically use their hands as a conduit for healing energy to flow from the universal energy source to the patient. Reiki can also be done via distance, resembling what some would call prayer with an intent for healing.


What Happens During a Reiki Session

A typical Reiki session lasts about 30 minutes or you can choose to get a hour long one. When you arrive at your session, whether in person or via distance, the Reiki practitioner will have a short discussion with you to discuss any problem areas or concerns. They’ll want to know why you’re there or what you’re hoping to get out of the session.

You’ll be fully clothed for your session and lie on a massage table. All you have to do is lie there. You can relax and let the practitioner “treat” you.  

The practitioner will hold their hands a couple of inches from your body, allowing the universal healing energy to flow through them into you. They’ll cover your entire body, placing their hands on the standard Reiki positions, such as the chakra areas. 

You may feel various sensations, such as warmness or tingling. You’ll likely feel deeply relaxed and at ease.

If you’re not comfortable lying down, Reiki can be done while you’re sitting in a chair. Also, if you desire to have hands placed on your body during treatment, you can simply ask your practitioner to do so.



Reiki Research

Reiki has been proven to be better than placebo, in one particular study.

It’s no surprise that Reiki is becoming so popular.

Have you had a Reiki session?  If not, now may be the time you’d like to try it. You can Book a session with me. Perhaps you’d like to learn how to do Reiki on yourself. If that’s that’s the case. I’m a certified Master Teacher in Holy Fire Reiki you can Book a Class with me.